Portrait by Dana Telsrow

Lauren Strug

I earned a Master's of Geographic Information Science at the University of Minnesota. I served as President of the GIS Student Organization in 2018-19. I was the Teaching Assistant for Principles of Cartography and Princples of GIS.

In 2019 I won second place in the MN GIS/LIS Graduate Student Scholarship competition for my collaborative Twitter API and Transit research. I attended the Esri User Conference in July 2019 as a Student Assistant. In 2018, I won honorable mention in the U-Spatial Mapping Competition.

I am the GIS Programmer at the California Center for Sustainable Communities primarily working on the Energy Atlas projects.

Cartography and Work Examples


Bay Area Energy Atlas


Community Solar Opportunities


Geologic Map of Mars

Northeast Minnesota Road Map

Northeast Minnesota Road Map

Lidar-derived products with GDAL and Arcpy Project

Lidar-derived products with GDAL and Arcpy

Dude Where's my Coworker?

Dude Where's My Coworker Geocortex App

Nitrogen Pollution Modeling

Nitrogen Pollution Modeling Python Project

City of Ramsey Greenway Accessibility Project

City of Ramsey Greenway Accessibility

Landcover Classification in Lake County, MN

Landcover Classification with ASCII

Ottertail County Map

Ottertail County Road Map

Twin Cities Traffic Stop Project

Twin Cities Traffic Stops App, CARTO

ArcGIS Online Web Apps

Outdoor Warning Sirens Map

Outdoor Warning Sirens

Apartment Finder Map

Apartment Finder

Rental License Finder Map

Rental License Finder

Public Schools Finder Map

Public Schools

SkimStop Participants Map

SkimStop Participants

Summer Blossom Map

Summer Blossom

Other interests and projects: hillshade and 3D mapping, multivariate thematic mapping in ArcGIS Pro, Object-Based Image Analysis, Bus Rapid Transit Capacity Analysis


  • ESRI ArcGIS Pro, ArcMap 10.x, Catalog, Administrator, ArcSDE, AGOL, ArcGIS Server, Arcade, Arcpy, ArcGIS API, ModelBuilder
  • Python (GDAL, Fiona, Shapely, Rasterio, Dask, Pandas, SQLAlchemy, Google Maps API, Twitter API)
  • Linux command line, CentOS
  • PostgreSQL, PostGIS, SQLite
  • Javascript, HTML5, CSS
  • Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop
  • Geocortex,mapbox, CARTO, QGIS, IDRISI, eCognition developer
  • Task Manager, Excel data connections


University of Minnesota, MGIS, December 2019

Beloit College, Wisconsin, B.S. Geology, May 2015

Selected Coursework


ArcGIS I and II, Numerical Spatial Analysis, Remote Sensing, Transportation Planning and Management, Urban GIS, GIS Project Management, Advanced Geocomputation, CyberGIS, Cyber Threat Intelligence, Cartography


Petrology, Mineralogy, Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Paleontology, Field Geology, Environmental Geologic Hazards, Calculus I and II, Physics I, Astronomy, Planetary Geology and Astrobiology


Send me an email: laurenstrug[@]gmail.com | Find me on LinkedIn | GitHub