I earned a Master's of Geographic Information Science at the University of Minnesota. I served as President of the GIS Student Organization in 2018-19. I was the Teaching Assistant for Principles of Cartography and Princples of GIS.
In 2019 I won second place in the MN GIS/LIS Graduate Student Scholarship competition for my collaborative Twitter API and Transit research. I attended the Esri User Conference in July 2019 as a Student Assistant. In 2018, I won honorable mention in the U-Spatial Mapping Competition.
I am the GIS Programmer at the California Center for Sustainable Communities primarily working on the Energy Atlas projects.
Other interests and projects: hillshade and 3D mapping, multivariate thematic mapping in ArcGIS Pro, Object-Based Image Analysis, Bus Rapid Transit Capacity Analysis
ArcGIS I and II, Numerical Spatial Analysis, Remote Sensing, Transportation Planning and Management, Urban GIS, GIS Project Management, Advanced Geocomputation, CyberGIS, Cyber Threat Intelligence, Cartography
Petrology, Mineralogy, Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Paleontology, Field Geology, Environmental Geologic Hazards, Calculus I and II, Physics I, Astronomy, Planetary Geology and Astrobiology